Note: Bicolonline Chatroom is connected to Undernet server of IRC through #chattersms channel.
? No sexually explicit or obscene nicks. We really don't want "stupid" nicks.
? No advertising of any sort or Mass Invites, this includes mass advertising and invites of #chattersms channel to other channels. Some Channel advertising will be allowed providing channel Founder & OPerators had agreed.
? No Flooding with text, action, ASCII characters, ASCII art or nick changes. Repeat of text Maximum of 3 lines.
? No usage of CAPS, "CAPS" are considered as yelling!!!
? NO OP begging!
? No rudeness toward other users/chatters or obnoxious behavior.
? No harassing of the OPs & fellow users/chatters.
? No bad remarks about a user's/chatter's ethnics, morals, religious beliefs or sexual preferences.
? No Nuking, icmp's or portscanning. Warning to offenders some operator's script auto trace your attempts and auto send to the authorities.
? No swearing, obscenities, or vulgarities.
? No abusive and stupid BOTS.
For OPerators: Do Not KICK other users/chatters without any valid reasons... that is considered abusing.
Channel OPerators must also observe and follow these rules or else you'll be DEOPPED and even banned to the channel. Any user/chatter may report to us those abusive bots, user/chatter and OPs so that we can do some action or talk to them.
~~~ WE (the channel operators) have the right to kick/ban anyone if we feel that you have not followed these rules. ~~~